Sunday, December 13, 2020

There will be a doctor in the house .. finally


Yes, there will be a doctor in the (White) House, and that makes many of us proud. And, it is despicable that the Wall Street Journal - a publication of repute when I had last checked - allowed an Op-ed by a (sore ?) essayist, Joseph Epstein, "Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not, if You Need an M.D."

Really, Mr. Epstein? All you could find to disparage an incoming President is to go after his wife's credentials? Let me tell you a thing or two about Doctorates. People get these after doing eminent, ground-breaking work in their respective fields. People with doctorates do know a thing or two - but they also know that there is much that they don't - and, that is important. Let me put before you another towering personality with a doctorate, Martin Luther King, Jr. If you don't know what he did, what he is known for and you would like to disparage him in the same way as you did Dr. Jill Biden, I forgive you for your ignorance.

And, do you want the likes of an M.D. like Scott Atlas in the (White) House? Let alone the White House, I would not like to have him in my house, peddling counter-medical opinions. Fortunately, M.D.s like Scott Atlas are in an extreme minority. Physicians who I have crossed paths with - from the pediatricians who treated my children, to specialists that have provided their expert opinions - are those who I hold in high regard.

Even if you had an M.D. in your house, and (s)he is not a radiologist providing you bad virology advice, they know their area of expertise as well as their limitations, and they would know or try to find out other experts who may know a thing or two about the medical situation.

So, chill, Mr. Epstein! It is really not important whether there is an M.D. in the White House. It is extremely important, however, that adults with high integrity and good judgment are in the White House - and this country is celebrating that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very fair one!! Thumbs up to you, Aseem!